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Chinese, Singaporean enterprises deepen cooperation on intelligent manufacturing

By:Belt and Road Portal   Update:2022-06-07
Jiangsu Provincial Department of Science and Technology in east China recently held an online and offline conference with International Enterprise Singapore (IES), a government agency that advocates enterprise development, with the aim of further deepening the project cooperation in the field of intelligent manufacturing, reported Xinhua Daily on Sunday.
During the conference, four Jiangsu enterprises released technical cooperation demands, and six Singaporean enterprises released the road shows, seeking opportunities for the development of intelligent manufacturing industry.
The scientific and technological cooperation between the two sides can be traced back to the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Science and Technology and IES in November 2021, regarding the joint establishment of the Singapore-China Yangtze River Delta (Jiangsu) Joint Innovation Call Programme, which was the first industrial R&D joint funding mechanism between Jiangsu Province and Southeast Asian countries.
Jiangsu Province officially started soliciting potential cooperation projects in the fields of life sciences, information communication, green and low-carbon smart manufacturing in May this year, to support local companies keen to embark on joint innovation projects with Singaporean partners to develop innovative products and services.
It is noted that Singapore and Jiangsu have achieved outstanding cooperation results in recent years, such as the establishment of the National University of Singapore (NUS) (Suzhou) Research Institute, and the ongoing Singapore-Nanjing eco-tech park project.