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Myanmar-Thai border trade increases in 2016-17

By:Xinhua   Update:2017-03-20
Myanmar's border trade with Thailand increased by about 200 million U.S. dollars in the current fiscal year 2016-2017 as of March 3 as compared with the same period of the last fiscal year, the official media reported Thursday.
Myanmar-Thai bilateral border trade amounted to 1.2 billion U.S. dollars in this fiscal year as of March 3 while that of the last fiscal year was 1 billion dollars correspondingly.
Myanmar has six border trade points with Thailand -- Tachilek in Shan state, Myawaddy in Kayin state, Kawthaung, Myeik, Htikhi and Mawtaung in Taninthayi region.
Myawaddy is the one with the biggest trade transactions between the two countries, having a trade value at this point amounting to over 826.666 million U.S. dollars in the present fiscal year as of March 3.
Border trade at Myanmar's 15 border points with neighboring China, Thailand, India and Bangladesh totalled 6.64 billion dollars during the period, according to statistics.