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Vietnam exports more coal in 8 months

By:Xinhua Net   Update:2017-09-08


HANOI, Sept. 8 (Xinhua) -- Vietnam exported nearly 1.4 million tons of coal worth 188 million U.S. dollars between January and August, up 142.1 percent in volume and up 228.5 percent in value against the same period last year, its Ministry of Industry and Trade said on Friday.

In the eight-month period, Vietnam National Coal-Mineral Industries Holding Corporation (Vinacomin), the country's biggest coal producer and exporter, churned out nearly 24.6 million tons of coal, made domestic sales of roughly 21.4 million tons of coal and exported 866,000 tons of the product.

Vietnam plans to produce over 41.4 million tons of coal this year, up 7.6 percent over last year, and to keep its coal inventory at nearly 13.9 million tons by the year-end, said Vinacomin.

The country is expected to produce 86.4 million tons of coal in 2020, and 256 million tons in 2030.

Vietnam exported nearly 1.3 million tons of coal worth 141 million U.S. dollars last year, seeing respective year-on-year declines of 27 percent and 23.8 percent, said the ministry.