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Chinese tourists to BiH nearly triple in first four months

By:Xinhua News Agency   Update:2024-06-25
SARAJEVO, June 24 (Xinhua) -- Chinese tourists to Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) nearly tripled in the first four months of this year, according to the latest data from the BiH Statistics Agency.
More than 11,000 Chinese tourists visited BiH from January to April, almost a three-fold increase from about 3,800 reported during the same period last year, the agency reported.
In April alone, over 4,800 Chinese tourists visited BiH, marking a rise of 166 percent compared to April 2023. China became the fifth-largest source of tourists to BiH in April, following Türkiye, Serbia, Croatia, and Slovenia.
Faruk Boric, president of the association of friendship between China and BiH, described the figures as "optimistic," indicating that more tourists from China are coming to BiH after the pandemic.
BiH received more than 270,000 foreign tourists in the first four months of this year, an increase of 5.4 percent year-on-year.