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Manufacturing sector tops Myanmar' foreign investment in first quarter of FY 2017-18

By:Xinhua   Update:2017-07-13
Manufacturing sector topped Myanmar's foreign direct investment (FDI) with over 637 million U.S. dollars in the first three months of the present fiscal year 2017-2018, which began in April, official media reported Wednesday.
During the first quarter period as of June 30 of the fiscal year, it saw a total of over 1.9 billion U.S. dollars' foreign investment, followed by real estate sector with 569 million U.S. dollars and others.
According to the figures of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA), total FDI in the country hit over 72 billion U.S. dollars since late 1988, with oil and gas sector standing atop with 22.4 billion U.S. dollars, followed by Energy with 20.5 billion U.S. dollars, manufacturing with 8.3 billion U.S. dollars, transport and communication with 8.2 billion U.S. dollars and real estate with 4.3 billion U.S. dollars.
A total of 8 billion U.S. dollars FDI flew into other sectors - mining, hotel and tourism, livestock and fisheries, agriculture, industrial estate, construction and other services.
In last FY 2016-2017, total annual FDI in the country amounted over 6.8 billion U.S. dollars.