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You are here :Trade topics > Investment > Measures to Safeguard the Balance of Payments Measures to Safeguard the Balance of Payments
By:Agreement on Investment Article 11th Update:2016-05-27
In the event of serious balance of payments and external financial difficulties or threat thereof, a Party may adopt or maintain restrictions on investments, including payments or transfers related to such investments.It is recognised that particular pressures on the balance of payments of a Party in the process of economic development may necessitate the use of restrictions to ensure, inter alia, the maintenance of a level of financial reserves adequate for the implementation of its programme of economic development.
The restrictions referred to in Paragraph 1 shall: (a) be consistent with the Articles of Agreement of the IMF; (b) not discriminate among the Parties; (c) avoid unnecessary damage to the commercial,economic and financial interests of any other Party; (d) not exceed those necessary to deal with the circumstances described in Paragraph1; (e) be temporary and be phased out progressively as the situation specified in Paragraph 1 improves; and (f) be applied such that any other Party is treated no less favourably than any third country. Any restrictions adopted or maintained by a Party under Paragraph 1 or any changes therein, shall be promptly notified to the other Parties. |