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You are here :Single Window > SW of Myanmar

SW of Myanmar

By:BPOC   Update:2016-05-27

The construction of a single window in Myanmar

The construction of Myanmar National single window in ASEAN 10 countries started late, progress is slow. According to the Myanmar national planning and Economic Development Department officials, Myanmar's new government came to power in 2011 is vigorously reform, eliminate trade barriers, the business environment in the country has improved. In terms of trade facilitation take some measures, including:
       1.Cancel the private sector part of the key commodities import restrictions, such as fuel, edible palm oil, etc.;
       2.Cancel commercial motor vehicle import restrictions of civil;
       3.Cancel part of the private sector  to the export of agricultural products such as edible oil, Edible Rapeseed, onion, rice limit;
       4.Cancel business tax of export;
       5.In addition to the internal ratio,add Yangon office applying for import and export license;
       6.Reduce the application for import and export license required documents and so on.

According to reports, the construction of Myanmar National single window mode in 2012 under the help of the Japanese started working, the Myanmar government plans by the end of 2014 introduced the single window construction planning.In 2015, the pilot implementation of the national single window mode.In 2016, officially launched national operation, and with the ASEAN single window standards.